How can we help you?
Aimed at enabling universal education, Pratham Digital is creating support structures for various players in a child’s learning journey. Whether you are a school, teacher, coaching center, parent or an edtech platform, you can find tools on Pratham Digital to make learning engaging and effective for your students. The open source nature of the content and technology allows for speedy adoption and rapid customization.
Pratham Digital offers an end to end digital learning solution for various implementation scenarios. The solution design factors in infrastructural variance and allows for customized implementation. In a nutshell Pratham Digital can deploy solutions that address requirements of Infrastructure procurement, Content curation, Software implementation, Training, Assessments, Analytics & Dashboard maintenance support.
Glimpses of Collaborative Efforts.
A : Procurement + Content curation + Training + Maintenance support
Our longstanding partner organisation, Suprabhat Mahila Mandal (SMM) in Pune runs classes in low income communities. On the organisation’s request Pratham supported
● Procurement for deployment of digital learning models. Android tablets were procured from a reputed vendor and loaded with Pratham content curated for the SMM implementation.
● SMM teachers were trained by Pratham on the technical and pedagogical aspects of the digital learning model.
● The progress data from the SMM tablets flows into an analytics dashboard that helps the SMM teachers focus on individual students.
● Digital and pen and paper assessments designed by Pratham were used to periodically measure progress along competencies of basic numeracy and literacy, science, maths etc.
● Support is also provided to tackle hardware and software issues.
B : Content curation + Training
Organisations that already have an infrastructure in place to deliver digital content can take advantage of platform agnostic nature of Pratham content. Hope Academy and Nucleos solutions reached out to leverage Pratham’s content on their existing learning software. Upon curation of relevant content the Pratham Digital technology team assisted in migrating the content to Nucleos platform. This enabled Hope Academy to deliver a collection of content form various sources including Pratham Digital. Implementation and pedagogical training on effectively using the content is also part of the collaboration.
The content on Pratham Digital was created with a focus on device agnosticism. Videos and HTML5 content can easily play on any device that has an internet browser. To enable wider spread of knowledge, Pratham also other digital learning platforms to inculcate it’s content.
Open source documentation and customization support from the Pratham Digital team has helped various edtech platforms import and serve Pratham content. Notable collaborations include:
A. Kolibri
B. Ekstep
C. Nucleos
Pratham believes that the community plays the biggest role in a child’s learning. The Pratham Digital effort is aimed at enabling parents and community members to support learning for their children. The Pratham Digital [PraDigi] Android app can be downloaded from playstore or shared peer to peer. By following simple instructions content relevant to age group and competency can be downloaded. Pratham is creating video instructions on how to utilize the content on the app to create learning environments.